The following e-commerce site, accessible via (the "site") is published by Domestique, SAS with a capital of 8,000€, registered with the RCS of Paris under the number 820 899 789, whose registered office is located at 12 rue Philippe de Girard - 75010 PARIS - FRANCE.

The editors and writers of the site are Bastien Beny and Simon Delacour, who are respectively president and general manager.

The site is hosted by Shopify Inc, 150 Elgin Street, Suite 800, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L 4, Canada. 

Access to the website, as well as the use of its content, is subject to the terms of use described below.

Accessing and browsing the website constitutes the user's unreserved acceptance of the following conditions:

Domestique is the owner of the domain name The site as a whole, as well as the elements which compose it (in particular texts, indexes, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, graphic representations, logos, etc.) constitute intellectual works protected by the articles l.111 -1 and following of the code of the intellectual property.

The site, as well as the elements which compose it, are the exclusive property of Domestique. Domestique is the only one authorized to use the rights of intellectual property and rights of the personality relating to it, in particular marks, models, royalties and right to the image, on a purely original basis or by the effect of a licence or an express authorization.

The use of all or part of the site, including downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or dissemination for purposes other than personal and private use for non-commercial purposes of the user, is strictly prohibited. The violation of these legal provisions subjects its author to the sanctions provided by the code of the intellectual property, in particular as regards counterfeit of royalties (article l.335-3), by the right of the marks (article l.716-9) and by the civil code as regards civil liability (article 9 and articles 1382 and following).

The creation of any hypertext link to any of the web pages or elements composing the website is forbidden, except with the prior written authorization of Domestique, which authorization may be revoked at any time. All the websites having a hypertext link with the website or one of the elements composing it are not under the control of Domestique and Domestique declines therefore any responsibility (including editorial) concerning the access and the content of these websites.

When you use a "share" function offered on the website to discover a product of the brand Domestique, you acknowledge and agree that the content made available for sharing must be used only for purely personal use to the exclusion of any commercial use on websites or web pages and / or any other commercial digital media.

The term "personal data" includes any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more elements that are specific to him. 

Domestique is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of any information provided online by the user.

Any personal information that the user may be required to transmit to domestique for the use of certain services is subject to the legal provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended by the Act of August 6, 2004. The user is likely to provide personal data concerning him. The provision of this personal data is optional and only allows Domestique to know better the visitors of the site Domestique in order to better meet their expectations, and to be able to send them, if they request it, information concerning the new products or services of Domestique.

In accordance with the law, each visitor can access the data concerning him or her and have them corrected or deleted, if necessary. Each user may also object, free of charge, to his data not being collected and processed by Domestique. In this case, the user will not be informed of new products or services from Domestique.

To exercise the above rights, the user is invited to contact:

Domestique implements all the technical and organizational means to ensure the security and confidentiality of the files made up of personal data collected on its website. However, Domestique does not control all the risks related to the use of Internet and draws the attention of the Net surfers on the existence of potential risks inherent in the use of Internet.

You acknowledge and expressly agree that personal data about you may be collected on the site.

You can exercise your right of access and rectification by sending a message:
By e-mail to
By mail to Domestique - 12 rue Philippe de Girard - 75010 Paris



"Personal data" means information about you as a natural person that you voluntarily provide by filling out a form on the website, or that Domestique has collected as part of your browsing experience and which, regardless of its nature, allows you to be identified, directly or otherwise. Personal data includes personally identifiable information (such as your name, contact information, photographs you provide) and electronic identification data available on or from your computer (such as "cookies" or "IP addresses"). Your electronic identification data identifies your device or the pages you visit on the website during your browsing and is generally insufficient to identify you as an individual.


The information you provide on the website allows Domestique to:

To process your questions, requests or requests for information, to measure the audience of the website, to send you, if you have authorized it, messages of an advertising or commercial nature, to send you newsletters to which you have subscribed, to inform you about products Domestique, to inform you about events organized by Domestique, to offer you to participate in surveys, to allow you to follow the site and its news, to recruit you for a job, etc.

The information required by Domestique in order to fulfil the tasks described above is indicated by an asterisk on the various pages of the site. Other information is optional and allows us to get to know you better and to improve our communications and services to you. The information collected by Domestique includes your first and last name, postal address, e-mail address, country of residence and telephone number if provided.

Domestique may retain your personal data for a period not exceeding ten (10) years from the last contact.

Domestique only shares your personal information with a third party when
you have given us your prior consent to share such information (e.g. for a special promotional event); Domestique must share such information with its distributors, service providers and in particular its technical service providers to provide you with the service you have requested (e.g. to receive a newsletter); Domestique receives a request from a judicial authority or any administrative authority authorized by Law, requesting the disclosure of information in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Domestique makes its best efforts to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data collected during their transmission to the above-mentioned persons.
When you wish to tell someone about an article on the Domestique site, using the "share" function offered on the site, the data you enter is only used to send your message and is not used for any other purpose or kept by Domestique. In addition, you are solely responsible for the message you write to a friend or family member using this feature.

Domestique asks you not to transmit any content that is not solicited by a questionnaire or any other form of collection, such as commercial information, advertisements, personal creations, ideas, concepts, etc.

When you voluntarily provide personal data about yourself, especially in the case of multimedia content (photographs, videos, etc.), you undertake to provide accurate information that is not prejudicial to the interests or rights of third parties.


Domestique may have to implant a "cookie" (alphanumeric identifier) in the hard disk of the user's computer for the sole purpose of being able to recognize him/her during his/her next visits to the site. The duration of conservation of the user's navigation information provided by "cookie" on the website will not exceed one (1) year. It is reminded that the user can oppose the recording of "cookies" on his hard disk by configuring his internet browsing software (chrome google, safari, mozilla...) in this sense. To this end, it is recommended to refer to the user manual of his browser or to take any useful information from the software publisher.

Domestique strives to ensure, to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on the site, the content of which it reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice.

However, Domestique cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and completeness of the information made available on the site, which information does not constitute a guarantee or a commitment by Domestique to the user. In particular, Domestique cannot be held responsible for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the website; for any damage resulting from computer intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information available on the website; and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, natures and consequences, caused because of the access of whoever to the site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the site and/or the credit granted to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.

Domestique implements means intended to ensure the security of the files constituted from the personal data possibly collected on the website. It is however reminded that Domestique does not control the risks linked to the use of Internet and draws the attention of the Internet users on the existence of potential risks in terms of confidentiality of the data transiting via this network.

Domestique informs the users browsing the site that the present mentions can be modified at any time. These modifications are published online and are deemed to be accepted without reservation by any user who accesses the site after they are posted online. It is therefore up to each visitor, before browsing the site, to read these conditions carefully. 

The present declarations are drawn up in accordance with French law and in particular with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 "for confidence in the digital economy" and Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology and Civil Liberties as amended by Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

The French courts are territorially competent to hear any dispute related to the use of the website, unless otherwise provided by the Brussels Regulation of 20 December 2000 on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments.

For any question that the user may have regarding the use of the website and/or the present mentions, for any request that he would like to address to Domestique, he can send an e-mail to the following address: